Beginner Path

Week #4 - We focus on Control.

"Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit."

- Joseph Pilates

As you learn to Control your body you begin to move with intention. The control in your movement builds strength, power and flexibility. You will no longer feeling disconnected from your body. When you control your body's movement your mind becomes stronger and more aware. This awareness plays a role in every aspect of your life not just your fitness.

  • NUTRITION TIP: Continue the practices you’ve built over the first three weeks including your focus on hydration and choosing a protein filled afternoon snack. This week try to have your dinner before 8 pm in order to give yourself 12 hours between meals. This fasting period provides a much deeper sleep and proper digestion.

  • HEALTHY HABIT: This will be the week you are going to want to avoid your workouts. Your brain is going to tell you that skipping a day of movement is okay and honestly it is okay BUT…. ask yourself why? Why do you want to skip? Are you letting other thoughts or priorities take over? The why is the key to understanding your blocks towards your wellness journey. Don't give up on yourself and your health. Remember getting out your yoga mat and doing 5 min of stretching counts.

  • Some of the classes include the option to use props. Don't worry if you do not have a prop because each workout can be done without props as well. If you do decide that you'd prefer to use props here is a short list:

    • Foam Roller | Light set of weights - 1-3 lbs | Optional: Magic Circle | Theraband | Pilates Ball | Block to sit up on

    • Alternative choices: Water bottles for weights and Pillow for circle and block



10 Min Tone Classical Mat


15 Min Walk + Meditation



20 Min Mat with Arm weights


20 Min Walk



Morning workout (23 min)





FOam roller end of the day release (14 min)

Week #5 - coming soon